by Rickard Fredriksson | Jul 16, 2014 | Inspiration, Standard editor
Ett härligt paket för er som vill spendera några timmar på Åresjön där vi kombinerat bastuflotten med hyra av 5 st Stand Up Paddleboards (det går också att hyra till ytterligare 5 st brädor för 100 kr/st). Detta är ett paket som lämpar sig för grupper där kanske några vill basta hela tiden och några vill aktivera sig, eller att man turas om mellan de olika aktiviteterna. Bastun rymmer 12 personer och 5 pers kan köra SUP så grupper upp till 17 personer funkar bra med detta upplägg. Upplevelsen passar bra för svensexor, möhippor, skolklasser eller Kick Off´s i Åre.

Paket med hyra av bastuflotte och 5 st SUP:ar i två timmar på Åresjön. 3500 kr tot inkl moms.
Kontakta oss för Bokning
Published by: Rickard Fredriksson, founder of Explore Åre.
by Rickard Fredriksson | Jul 15, 2014 | Inspiration, Standard editor
Join us on a gastronomic walking tour in stunning mountain scenery and a kingdom full of flavors and fragrances where all senses will be satisfied. During our walk, we stop at four different locations where we at each break have a theme and it is offered a variety of local delicacies from the region such as local cheeses, locally produced meatproducts, locally produced drinks and finally local roasted coffee from Åre Kafferosteri and local-made chocolate from Åre Chokladfabrik. The treats that are offered during the walk varies during the season but one thing that doesn’t change is that our guides always tells an interesting story about both the products we eat and the local producers.

Who is Åre gastronomy walk for?
Åre gastronomy walk is an easy accessible adventure for guests and groups who like to enjoy the nature of Åre and the local produced food from the region and combine them.
Hike at Mount Åreskutan with local produced food from the region. The hike is about 5 km long. Transport from the gathering point is included.
Gathering Point outside Hotel Fjällgården.
Time scale
Approx. 3-3,5 hours.
Around 15 years
Your own gear
Walking shoes and clothes for weather.
Visit our partner for prices.
For companies and groups we also have other concepts with even higher flexibility. Contact us for a quote and suggestions for set up.
Published by: Rickard Fredriksson, founder of Explore Åre.