Snowbike School in Åre (eng)

Snowbike School in Åre (eng)

If you can ride a bike you can go Snowbiking. Whether you like biking or skiing most, you will have a great time on the slope with us on our Snowbikes here in Åre. During our Snowbike school we prepare you to rent your own Snowbike, and after the school you can go in the ski system and ski lift with your Snowbike. A skipass for Åre ski area is needed.



Who is Snowbiking for?

Snowbike are the perfect tool for lots of people who like to explore the slopes of Åre in an new way.

The “left out” family member – Perhaps you are the one who are waiting in the lodge or in the apartment while the rest of the famliy  shreds the mountain. Now you can join and in and share the fun with them, instead of waiting at home.

The vacationing skier – You have already bought your “one week skipass” here in Åre and like to spend everyday of your trip on the mountain. After a few days of hard skiing your legs are tired. Well… Ski sitting down for a day is a great break to rest your legs and have fun at the same time. Don´t risk injury pushing yourself on tired legs, so rent a Snowbike instead for one day and have fun!

People with bad leg joints – If your knees don´t work like they used to you can still go on the slopes with a snowbike and spend the day with your friends and family. Riding a snowbike puts much less strain on knee-, ankle- and hip joints than skiing or snowboarding.

First timers – If you’ve never gone skiing or snowboarding before the snowbike is a perfect “first step” to enter the slope. After about 60 min you have picked up how to ride the snowbike. If you like you can add these skills to the skiis or snowboard later – or just keep riding the snowbike for the rest of your holiday!

Skiers or snowboarders who want to try something new – We promise you will have fun and experienced “snow sliders” will learn how to snowbike in just a few minutes!

Like to “show off” – If you’re not a good skier but like to impress your friends with doing something new and cool for the first day on the slope, snowbike is the thing for you. You will be the “King or Queen of the slope”!

The snowbikers – Yes, there are hundreds of people who not are skiing or snowboarding while they are in Åre. Some of them have found there sport and they are Snowbikers!


Experience: Snowbike School 2 hours

Site: Åre Björnen (gathering point Explore Åre´s activity wagon)

Time scale: 120 min

Age-limit: 7

Your own gear: Helmet, ski-boots, clothes for skiing and valid skipass

Other: Guide, Snowbike and foot-skies are included. (Skipass not included).

Price: Contact us for prices.

Åre Gastronomy Walk (Winter eng)

Åre Gastronomy Walk (Winter eng)

Join us on a gastronomic snowshoetrip through stunning winter landscapes and in a climate where the tastes and smells will be experienced in a new and unique way. During our walk, we stop at three different places where we at each break have a theme, and it is offered various local delicacies such as locally produced soup, locally produced bread, locally produced cheese and locally produced “glögg” (spiced red wine) and chocolate. The delicacies that are offered during the walk varies somewhat during the season, but what they all got in common is that our guides always tell an interesting story about both the products as well as local producers who makes them.

Our tour starts and ends at Copperhill Mountainlodge and is approximately 1.5 km long.

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Who is Åre gastronomy walk for?

Åre gastronomy walk  is an easy accessible adventure for guests and groups who like to enjoy the nature of Åre and the local produced food from the region and combine them.


Snowshoe walking and tasting of locally produced food.


Meeting place is Skistarshop at Copperhill.

Time scale

Approx 1.5-2 hours.


Around 15 years.

Your own gear

Clothes for the weather and stable shoes. (Multilayer clothes is recommended so that you can regulate the heat along the tour).


Not included. You can get there by car, taxi or skibus (after the skibus you need to take the Copperhill transferbus the last way up, and that bus has a schedule that differs along the season).


Snowshoes, poles, guide and local food samples are included. You can rent a snowmobile suit and gloves if it is very cold (contact us if you need some extra clothes)


Visit our partner for prices.

For companies and groups we also have other concepts with even higher flexibility. Contact us for a quote and suggestions for set up.

Published by: Rickard Fredriksson, founder of Explore Åre.

Höstlov i Åre

Höstlov i Åre

Höstlov i Åre

Under höstlovet i Åre dukas det upp med mängder av aktiviteter och upplevelser från byns aktivitetsföretag och vi på Explore Åre har valt ut ett par upplevelser som funkar bra under denna årstid. Höstlovet infaller i Sverige under v.44 och eftersom man inte alltid vet hur vädret blir så är våra tips Hike & Trike med mountaincart  eller våra coola el-scooters, vilka inte är så beroende av väder och vind. Ni bokar enkelt era upplevelser online.


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Testa Hike & Trike i Åre under höstlovet, funkar från ca 14 år.



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Vi kör korta guidade turer med våra el-scooters under höstlovet.


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Att avsluta dagen på en vedeldad bastuflotte är balsam för skälen!

SUP (Stand Up Paddleboard) på Blanktjärn i Åre

SUP (Stand Up Paddleboard) på Blanktjärn i Åre

Stand Up Paddleboard på Blanktjärn i Åre.

OBS! Sedan 2019 gäller nya regler för all vistelse kring Blanktjärn, vilka återfinns på länsstyrelsens hemsida. Då rådande restriktioner omöjliggör SUP-paddling på Blanktjärn, ger vi gärna tips på andra lämpliga vattendrag i Åres närhet när ni hyr en SUP av oss. Kontakta oss här för olika tips. 

SUP på Blanktjärn i Åre är en unik upplevelse som går utöver det vanliga där man får uppleva Blanktjärn med sitt unika turkosa vatten och med ett siktdjup på flera meter på ett helt nytt sätt. Känslan av att sväva fram på en Stand Up paddleboard mitt i fjällvärlden är något alldeles extra och aktivitetsföretaget Explore Åre hyr ut Stand Up paddleboards och erbjuder ett paket med “Blanktjärn SUP Rental Kit” där ni får med allt som behövs för att uppleva detta på egen hand. I paketet ingår förutom den uppblåsbara brädan även ryggsäck, pump, paddel, våtdräkt, trangiakök och en vandringskarta som beskriver turen.


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Ovan: Stand Up Paddle på Blanktjärn i Åre.

Kontakta oss för Bokning

För dig som önskar en bekvämare upplevelse med SUP och inte vill vandra själv erbjuder Explore Åre även guidade turer med Stand Up paddleboard i och omkring Åre, då främst nedströms paddling i svagt strömmande vatten och i fantastisk natur.

Ovan: Guidad tur med Stand Up paddleboard i Åre.

Published by: Rickard Fredriksson, founder of Explore Åre.

Supyoga med yoga with Fia på Åresjön sommaren 2017

Supyoga med yoga with Fia på Åresjön sommaren 2017

Börja dagen med ett  härligt pass supyoga på Åresjön med Yoga Fia i sommar. Under Yogapasset får ni känna på sjöns mjuka vågrörelser i samklang med era egna yogarörelser där naturen genom solen, vinden och vattnet skapar en härlig känsla av harmoni och mindfullnes.

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Foto: Yoga Fia

Supyoga på på Åresjön ett samarbete mellan Yoga Fia och oss på Explore Åre där vi på Explore Åre tillhandahåller utrustning i form av Sup brädor, våtdräkter och eventuellt flytvästar medan Yoga Fia står för själva yogapasset.

Pris: Kontakta yoga with Fia för aktuella priser.
Tid: 8.30-10.00 (flera dagar i veckan, kontakta yoga with Fia för exakta datum)
Övrigt: Minst 3 deltagare krävs för att Yogapasset skall bli av.

Bokning och information om själva passet, kontakta yoga with Fia på 073-9898868

För information om utrustning eller hyra av egen bräda , kontakta oss på Explore Åre

Moose Safari in Åre (eng)

Moose Safari in Åre (eng)

Join us for an exciting evening in the Swedish wilderness where we go searching for the wild moose in its natural environment. We pick you up with our minivan at your hotel and take you for an adventure in the stunning surroundings of Åre. We will drive along some roads with spectacular views over the landscape and also on small dirt roads with special places where we often see the moose (on these small dirt roads we often come very close to this big animals).

Along the tour our guide will tell you facts about the moose, at some places we stop the minivan take a short walk with binoculars in our hands to search and cover areas that can´t be reached from the bus. Of course we have a lovely “Swedish fika” (coffee and snacks) at some nice place along and for those who dare, also taste moose-meat…

From the minivan we can mostly keep a respectful distance to the animals (they often keep on eating as usual when the engine keeps going, so after a while we leave them without disturbing them) but if we will have good chance at the right spot, we will try to get out of the minivan and sneak up to the animals a little closer to have a better chance for great photos.

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Who is Moose Safari in Åre for?

Moose Safari in Åre is an easy accessible adventure for guests and groups who like to enjoy the nature of Åre and try to see a wild moose and other wild animals in the Swedish nature.



Guided Moose Safari from Minivan (max 8 pax/tour) and shorter walks in the nature around Åre with chance to see wild moose and other animals. A “Swedish fika” is included.


Pick Up with minivan at the hotel Holiday Club (30 min before) or Hotel Copperhill Mountain Lodge (15 min before) the tour starts.

Time scale

3,5-4 hours.


Around 8 years.

Your own gear

Walking shoes and clothes for weather.


Included, specify Pick Up point when booking.


Bring your own camera.


Visit our partner for prices.

For companies and groups we also have other concepts with even higher flexibility. Contact us for a quote and suggestions for set up.

Published by: Rickard Fredriksson, founder of Explore Åre.